Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Love : First to True Love

Love : First to True Love

Is that true that the first love could not be eliminated from our memory? According to the study of scientists the memories of first love can be more addicted than any powerful type of drugs. So, when your couple find you as him/her first love you do not need to worry that he/she will forget you. Because there is a fact that many adults are powerless to resist their first love as a drugs for them.

There is truth to say that first love never dies, first love never dies western terms. First love will always be remembered because there the first time as a human being to feel what people often said that love is beautiful, love is sacred, sacrificial love, and some of the attributes of other terms. When the feeling of love, this world was beautiful, sometimes bizarre behavior, his own smile, the work feels light weight to please someone who loved it. Just be advised at the time the feeling is more logic than the logic of instrumental reason.

First love was to come just like that, suddenly, without planning. Someone is sometimes difficult to explain why he fell in love and why the person is. For those who are open he would dare to express her feelings, no matter what the outcome later. For those who are closed and that he/she would bury his/her feelings let only you, he/she, and God know. It could be because of embarrassment, not ready, shrink, or no courage. However the condition is the presence of first love to give its own meaning in life, God's gift of grace.

The beauty of first love does not necessarily end with smoothly, this is happened because the differences in social status, principles, age, and the most fundamental: the belief. Background separation sometimes leave disappointed to the first love, that could be emerge some kinds of sadness, stress, depression, and even attempt suicide. But not all people react to negative, a sense of "pain" can be accepted gracefully, because it is a consequence of falling in love that dare to found the broken heart. Many people's says that first love is not everything. Like a wise man said,  "It doesn’t  matter in your first love, second, even a thousandth of love ... because it is different from the meaning of true love".

The first is the foundation of love as the opening and initial steps to understand and find true love, it is not in the narrow sense. True love does not describe most of what is written like Eric Fromm in his book The Art of Loving which states that love to discuss four aspects: knowledge (knowledge), care (care), respect (respect), and responsibility (responsibility). True love also requires sacrifice, we feels happy when see someone who we loved find his/her happiness than to be force to have it.

Makes the first love as a very wise subject, people will continue to seek and yearn for true love. So impressed in the way sometimes trial and error, the result is often changed to meet the couple that really fits. "Thous art of love is not the first but definitely the latter ... In love we will find the meaning of love and life itself."


Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Tips How To Love Someone

 How To Love Someone

"...when you love someone you do anything..." I believe you are very familiar with this lyrics, aren't you? Yes, this lyrics belongs to Bryan Adam with his world Hits song entitled "When You Love Someone". Love actually is a kind of humans feeling that shows of happiness in finding, looking, or tasting something and effect in very deep heart memory. So when we love someone there are several thing that you suppose to know. Several tips how to love someone, as follows:
  1. It need several times to find your love, but for sure you'll know it by your own. We even didn't know when and where we will find our love, could be at a party, during a fight, or during a special moments you are having with them. The most basic rules how to love someone is don't ever force yourself in having a feeling with someone you might thought you in love with. But automatically you'll know it when it hits your heart, feeling, and mind. Just enjoy the uncertain feeling that might be you have. Take your moments that you have to express a sentence "I love you."
  2. Remember to be a good listener, when we want to love by someone just give them a pleasure. Become a good listener will be an advantage. Try to be the wise person who cares about their thoughts, their worries, their concerns, their opinions. That's why how to love someone we must have a good sense of understanding each other. 
  3. Don't ever shows that you are a possessive, shows yourself as the person who can he/she count on it. Provide a kind of positive thinking in front of him/her.
  4. Always become a sensitive persons who really cares to their feelings.
  5. Don't ever forget to spent lot of time with them, shows that this is your way how to love someone.
  6. But sometimes someone need their privacy, just said and calmly explain that you need a little more space. Remember that don't let them drive you crazy!
  7. Try to compliment, encourage, full their heart with affection. If you trying to criticize them don't forget to give solutions. But never criticizing them for frontal, it will cause deep disappointment in their heart. Shows that you care, not blame them.
  8. Just let their quirks and natural behavior become the uniqueness. Relationship is not just find the suitableness between two person, but the point is able to complete each others.
  9. Never brought some kinds of argues about stupid little things it can make both of you irritable and distant. Just don't play stupid mind games.
  10. Spread your apologizing about some mistake even it's not totally your fault, spark ignites love, share every little joy and sadness, and honesty to bonds the heart together.

    It just some tips that you may used to love someone, you may use it or disagree about that's your right. But at least when we have a questions about "How To Love Someone", you can use it as reference.

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

The Truth about Learning English

The Truth about Learning English
The truth is- if you continue to use the same learning methods- you will never speak English well.  You will always have problems with your speaking.
However, there is a new way. When you use the right method, you improve easily. In fact, in six months you will have incredible speaking power– easily.
Native speakers will understand you easily.  You will understand them.  You will finally feel relaxed, happy, and confident when you speak English.
You need to change your learning method, and the first thing you must do is to forget English grammar!
1.      Tips to Study English Easily
Do you know the difference between these homophones; to, too and two? Even if English is your native tongue, many people have trouble with the quirks of the language. This can make the language difficult to learn. Even if you are taking English lessons in a class or from an audio book, the words can be confusing when they aren't seen and spoken in context.
However, if you do choose to study English as a second language, then there are simple exercises that you can do to make learning easier. In this article there are some easy to follow strategies to help you learn English faster.
Even if you study English at a language school or via online learning, it doesn't mean you cannot learn outside of the formal learning environment. Practice does indeed make perfect! The best way to learn English is to become immersed in it.
Take notes in this language, put its books around your room, listen to its language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television, and speak it with your friends whenever you can. The more material in this language you have around you, the faster you will learn.
Recording yourself can be a great way to learn English. You may feel uncomfortable with the sound of your voice at first, but you'll soon get used to it. Get a small cassette recorder and read aloud from a book or newspaper. When you listen to it, you will be able to spot mistakes in your pronunciation. Keep the tapes and listen to them again later and compare them to more current recordings. You'll be amazed at how much your pronunciation and accent have improved over time.
Cartoons and educational programs for children are also great ways of learning the vocabulary and rules of grammar. Another method is to use books for beginning readers in the language because these books usually have pictures with the English words to accompany them. Listening to songs in this language is an effective way of learning the language as well. Learn the lyrics of the songs and sing along with the singer as you listen. You can get the words to many popular songs online.
If you choose to study English as a second language, then you must practice as much as possible. While it may be tempting to slip into your native tongue at home, force yourself to speak in it. By repeatedly using new words, you are committing them to memory. Most importantly, do not be afraid to learn English. Even children who are born in this language speaking countries have to learn it!
Take your time and don't feel pressured to learn it all at once. Play words games, do crosswords, or commit to learning a new word every day. All of these simple techniques will help you in your quest to gain English language proficiency.

2.      Spoken English Language Studies - The Importance of Online English Learning

If you are in the global business world, then you know how important it is that you can communicate smoothly and efficiently with many different people from different cultures and countries around the world. This can be very difficult since there are so many customs and languages that people speak. The good news is that English is a universal language. If you want to do business everywhere from Wall Street to China, you will need to make sure that your spoken English skills are up to par. Many people can speak enough to get around, make friends, and even do some business. But when it comes to doing business at the big level where there is a lot of money at stake, you can't take any risks. You need to make sure that your speaking skills are flawless. This is why it's so important to concentrate on spoken English language studies.
In the old days, spoken English language studies were done in either a classroom or at home through books and tapes. The problem with the classroom is that it's expensive and not necessarily convenient. If you are at work all day and you have a family to take care of or just want some time to yourself, you can't expect to spend your evenings going to classes. The problem with books and tapes is that you can't get the one on one help you deserve. You can only learn enough English through books and tapes to be a tourist and make casual conversation.
The future of spoken English language studies is on the internet. By using the internet, you can work at your own pace anytime you want. You set your own schedule. When it's time to study the language, you just have to log onto your computer, get onto WebEx, and put on your headset. Then you can work with a native speaker who will guide you through the language. You can work on your professional conversation skills and pronunciation. You can also sit through real time presentations on your desk top while listening to explanations from your instructor.
If you are in the world of global business, you have to take spoken English language studies seriously. This means you have to find the service that is passionate about teaching English to professionals. This is the only way to assure yourself that you are getting the special training you need and the attention that you deserve. Make sure the English lessons you take are affordable, efficient, and use native speakers in their training.
Here some website that you can use as your reference to learn English online:

·         Learn English Online - Free EFL/ESL English Lessons

Learn English Online - free ESL beginners course - free English lessons - EFL ESL lessons in association with Learn English.

·         Learn English Free Online

Learn English offers English grammar and extensive British English vocabulary sections along with a free English magazine and diary, games,

·         Learn English Online: Free English Courses To Improve Your English

Learn to speak English with our free English lessons. Includes games, articles, and audio courses to help your English.

·         Welcome to Open English World! | Learn English Online

Open English World provides free activities to help you speak English fluently in daily life. Learn English online free and improve your conversation.

·         English Activities Online for Kids, Learn English, ESL, EFL

Online activities to learn English and other languages. Have fun, learn and test your skills in many subjects. ›
Online Activities

·         Learn English Online, Free English Lessons, ESL School, English

Learn English with expert Canadian and American teachers online 24/7. Improve your English grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and vocabulary.
Learning English Online
You can learn English words, practice grammar, look at some basic rules, prepare for exams; here you see the latest news on Learning English Online. ...

·         Learn English Online | Learn English Speaking Online with Native

Learning to speak English with an online English tutor is quick and affordable! Get online ESL, EFL lessons; learn General and Business English to improve ...

·         Learn English | British Council

Learn English online with the help of this free website from the British Council with games, stories, listening activities and grammar exercises. ...

·         World English: test, learn and study the English language online

English on the internet. The best online resource for English as a second or foreign language (ESL / EFL), English exercises and activities, online English ...

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Profil Diri

Memahami Profil Diri Kita
Profil diri kita cenderung terdiri dari berbagai preferensi nilai tinggi, sedang, dan rendah untuk berbagai jenis cara berpikir cerdas. Perlu untuk diingat bahwa berpikir cerdas adalah memahami tingkat preferensi yang kita butuhkan atau paling kita kehendaki. Berpikir cerdas tidak mengukur kemampuan kita  dalam cara berpikir, meskipun mingkin saja benar bahwa kita adalah individu yang secara alami paling efektif dalam cara berpikir. Perbedaan antara tingkat preferensi dibandingkan tingkat kemampuan adalah salah satu yang penting.
Contohnya tentang hasil sebuah skor atau nilai ulangan pada seorang pelajar. Snata umum orang menganggap bahwa pelajar yang mendapatkan skor atau nilai tertinggi adalah yang berpikir cerdas dan pasti memperoleh kesuksesan. Namun hal ini sebenarnya merupakan kesalahan umum dalam mengartikan berpikir cerdas dan meraih kesuksesan. Bagaimana mungkin berpikir cerdas dapat diasumsikan dengan hanya seseorang meraih skor yang tinggi.  Coba kita lihat terlebih dahulu bagaimana pelajar tersebut melakukan interaksi dalam dinamika perilakunya sehari-hari.
Seorang pelajar yang dianggap cerdas adalah yang memiliki jam belajar yang tinggi. Bahkan separuh waktunya dalam sehari diisi dengan belajar. Pertanyaan yang muncul apakah hal ini efektif dan berdaya guna dalam kehidupan pelajar tersebut. Memang berguna akan tetapi kehidupannya kan sedikit tidak normal. Mengapa dikatakan tidak normal? Coba kita lihat, jika seorang pelajar tadi menghabiskan separuh waktunya dalam sehari untuk belajar, maka kapan waktu bagi dirinya untuk berinteraksi. Interaksi sosial inilah yang mampu menjadikan seseorang cerdas bukan pandai atau pintar. Dengan interaksi sosial seseorang akan melatih dirinya dalam mengelola hati, pikiran, ucapan, dan bahkan perilaku. Hal ini dalam ilmu sosial sering disebut sebagi kecerdasan emosional.
Pofil diri seseorang akan terlihat jelas saat dirinya memiliki kecerdasan pikir dan emosinal. Coba sekarang kita kembali ke permasalahan pelajar tadi, jika waktunya dihabiskan untuk belajar maka sangatlah mungkin keberhasilan pengelolaan kecerdasan emosional lewat interaksi sosial akan sangat tidak mungkin diraih. Maka sepandai/pintar apapun dirinya, profil diri yang terbaca oleh masyrakat lingkungannya adalah dia bukanlah seseorang yang istimewa. Dalam pandangan masyarakat istimewa adalah seseorang yang berpengaruh, berkharisma, serta cerdas secara pikir dan emosional.