Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Tips How To Love Someone

 How To Love Someone

"...when you love someone you do anything..." I believe you are very familiar with this lyrics, aren't you? Yes, this lyrics belongs to Bryan Adam with his world Hits song entitled "When You Love Someone". Love actually is a kind of humans feeling that shows of happiness in finding, looking, or tasting something and effect in very deep heart memory. So when we love someone there are several thing that you suppose to know. Several tips how to love someone, as follows:
  1. It need several times to find your love, but for sure you'll know it by your own. We even didn't know when and where we will find our love, could be at a party, during a fight, or during a special moments you are having with them. The most basic rules how to love someone is don't ever force yourself in having a feeling with someone you might thought you in love with. But automatically you'll know it when it hits your heart, feeling, and mind. Just enjoy the uncertain feeling that might be you have. Take your moments that you have to express a sentence "I love you."
  2. Remember to be a good listener, when we want to love by someone just give them a pleasure. Become a good listener will be an advantage. Try to be the wise person who cares about their thoughts, their worries, their concerns, their opinions. That's why how to love someone we must have a good sense of understanding each other. 
  3. Don't ever shows that you are a possessive, shows yourself as the person who can he/she count on it. Provide a kind of positive thinking in front of him/her.
  4. Always become a sensitive persons who really cares to their feelings.
  5. Don't ever forget to spent lot of time with them, shows that this is your way how to love someone.
  6. But sometimes someone need their privacy, just said and calmly explain that you need a little more space. Remember that don't let them drive you crazy!
  7. Try to compliment, encourage, full their heart with affection. If you trying to criticize them don't forget to give solutions. But never criticizing them for frontal, it will cause deep disappointment in their heart. Shows that you care, not blame them.
  8. Just let their quirks and natural behavior become the uniqueness. Relationship is not just find the suitableness between two person, but the point is able to complete each others.
  9. Never brought some kinds of argues about stupid little things it can make both of you irritable and distant. Just don't play stupid mind games.
  10. Spread your apologizing about some mistake even it's not totally your fault, spark ignites love, share every little joy and sadness, and honesty to bonds the heart together.

    It just some tips that you may used to love someone, you may use it or disagree about that's your right. But at least when we have a questions about "How To Love Someone", you can use it as reference.

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